Day: May 20, 2022

career development quotes

Career Development Quotes | 38 Ways to Feel Inspired

Career development. Not the most poetic of subjects, but most definitely an inspiring one. And one that has given rise to me curating this article, built around great and thought-provoking career development quotes Quotes condense learning and experience into memorable bite-sized sentences. By themselves, they’re nothing. But add their context, and they’re reminders for what you

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two business peope running a race with laptops in hand in suits

3 High-Tech Leadership Challenges to Ensure Growth

You’re not alone. As leaders, we all share the excitement of building a great company and creating the future through innovative solutions, but we also share the high-tech leadership challenges that so often sabotage those plans — the challenges that come with growth and can keep you awake in the early hours.  I call them

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Empower your employees for career growth and retention. Download the first chapter free today.

confident career conversations book Cover by Author Antoinette Oglethorpe