Author: gwen

Open programme career conversations certified facilitator training in progress online with Antoinette Oglethorpe presenting to a laptop

Certified Facilitator Training: Everything You Need to Know About Our Open Programme

Why Become a Certified Facilitator?  In today’s business world, organisations need to take a new approach to career management. It is no longer realistic for organisations to offer lifetime security to employees. Nor is it realistic to expect lifetime commitment from them. More than ever, the organisation-employee relationship is a partnership. Career management strategies need

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Career Success. Putting Your Strengths to Work. A Self-Assessment Guide. Mug in a hand with message I am the hero of my own life with sunflower in the mug

Career Success. Putting Your Strengths to Work: A Self-Assessment Guide

“Know thyself”. Viewed by many as the founding figure of Western philosophy, Socrates (469-399 B.C.) said this a very long time ago. The Greek philosopher knew that without self-awareness, and without the ability to assess one’s knowledge, skills, and talents, people can easily flounder in their careers. This ancient mantra is as true as ever

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Impostor Syndrome. Are you letting it damage your career growth?

Have you ever had the feeling that you’re going to be found out? That you don’t ‘deserve’ this, that you’re not good enough, or you don’t belong? You may be suffering from Impostor Syndrome. Regular readers will realise that a lot of my recent blog posts have related to subjects I am covering in the

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Winning Awards with Donna O'Toole

Winning Awards Podcast

In this episode, of the Winning Awards with Donna O’Toole podcast, Donna interviews Antoinette. Following Antoinette’s multiple award wins, she shares insights on the difference awards can make to your career and how to use awards raise your profile in your industry.

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Ian Brodie and Antoinette Oglthorpe on Creating effective online courses

Interview with Ian Brodie on creating effective online courses

I was recently interviewed by Ian Brodie. In this interview we discuss creating effective online courses. We answer the questions “how do you make your online courses more effective?” And how do you make sure people get results from them?” One of the things that’s been the most apparent since we’ve gone into lockdown is

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confident career conversations book Cover by Author Antoinette Oglethorpe