Category: Mentoring

International mentoring day two black women with braided hair sat at a computer

International Mentoring Day 2024

Today, Wednesday 17th January, is International Mentoring Day! If you ask any successful person, they will always have had a great mentor at some point. Mentoring can help people feel fulfilled and rewarded with a sense of purpose within their organisation. Mentoring can inspire them to want to perform and develop beyond their current levels and

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strategies for success: navigating a nonlinear career path person holding compass wearing suit

Navigating a Nonlinear Career Path: Strategies for Success

In today’s rapidly changing professional landscape, a linear career path is becoming increasingly rare. In our last blog post we discussed the benefits of the non-linear career route where many individuals find themselves embarking on nonlinear journeys, embracing diverse roles, industries, and opportunities. While this flexibility offers exciting prospects, it can also be challenging to

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CIPD labour market outlook insights: mentor and mentee in meeting.

The Changing Landscape of Career Management

Insights from the CIPD Labour Market Outlook 2023 The CIPD recently published their Labour Market Outlook: Summer 2023. So, in this blog post I thought I’d take this opportunity to review the evolving dynamics of the employment sector that it highlights. The key points provide significant insights, especially concerning career management in organisations. Let’s delve

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Embracing equity is crucial for women's career development Antoinette Oglethorpe supporting International Women's Days

Embracing Equity: International Women’s Day 2023

Today, 8 March 2023, is International Women’s Day, and this year’s theme is ‘embrace equity’. So, I thought I’d write about the importance of embracing equity to women’s career development and the powerful role that mentoring can play. Gender equity has been a contentious issue in workplaces around the world for many years. Women continue

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Almost empty office with 3 people sat at a desk in the centre - 7 Career Management and Mentoring Challenges to Overcome in 2023

7 Career Management and Mentoring Challenges to Overcome in 2023

As we enter the third year since the pandemic started, we are seeing that the changes caused by COVID-19 are having a lasting impact in the workplace. In 2023, organisations will be more diverse, distributed and virtual than ever before. Organisations need to adapt to this changing world of work while addressing other challenges. Those

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national mentoring day - screen shot from Antoinette Ogelthorpe's recent interview on being a mentee in the Be the Business Mentoring programme

National Mentoring Day

As you might have already guessed from the title, today is National Mentoring Day. As well as mentoring others, I have been fortunate to have benefitted from a wide range of mentors during my career so I thought I’d take the opportunity to share my most recent experience of a 12-month business mentoring programme run

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Stevie Award winner 2022 logo and banner

Antoinette named a finalist for two Stevie Awards

We’re delighted to announce Antoinette has been named a Finalist in two categories in the 19th annual Stevie® Awards for Women in Business. She will ultimately be a Gold, Silver, or Bronze Stevie Award winner in the category ‘Mentor or Coach of the Year – Business’.  She will also be a Gold, Silver, or Bronze

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Career Burnout 11 signs to look our for - burntout person sat at a computer in their kitchen looking unhappy

11 Signs to Watch Out for When You’re at Risk of Career Burnout

Burnout is not good for you or your career. Research by Glassdoor has revealed that reports of burnout among UK workers have almost doubled over the past year. The report said workplaces were “extremely understaffed and workers disillusioned” after Covid. Employers initially felt pressure to ‘build back better’ but were caught short by disruption. As

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