Category: Talent Development

- multigenerational workforce men and women spanning many generations and ethnicities are work around a desk

Everything You Need To Know About Our Multi-Generational Career Conversations Programme

In today’s fast-changing world, the workforce is seeing some major shifts, especially with Gen Z stepping into the professional realm. This tech-savvy generation brings new values and skills, pushing organisations to rethink their career management and mentoring strategies to accommodate a diverse, multi-generational workforce. Understanding and navigating these generational differences is key to fostering collaboration

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employee engagement: blocks spelling "engage"

Seven Empowering Questions for Employee Engagement and Career Development

Unlocking the full potential of your employees is more critical now than ever before. In today’s fast-paced world, employee engagement isn’t just a trendy term—it’s the linchpin of organisational success. So, how can HR professionals, leaders, and managers truly connect with their teams and ignite their passion for their work? The Art of Career Conversation

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gartner insights: person with head on desk covered with folder

Gartner’s Insight on Career Development: Bridging the Gap Between Expectations and Reality

Recent research conducted by Gartner, Inc., underscores a crucial issue within many organisations: a significant gap between employee expectations for career development and what is actually provided. Only 46% of employees feel supported in their career growth endeavours, a statistic that highlights the urgency for organisations to rethink their career management strategies. Understanding Employee Expectations

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Antoinette Oglethorpe delivering the excellence exchange to certified facilitators online

Everything you need to know about our Excellence Exchange Community

You may have noticed we recently launched a Certified Career Conversations Facilitator Open Programme. It’s designed to equip you with the skills and confidence to become a career mentor and champion, with the additional capability to empower others within the organisation(s) you support so you can foster a culture where career growth and fulfilment are

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Gen Z enagagement tips for effective career conversations. Woman with pink hair sat on a sofa working.

Navigating Career Conversations with Gen Z 

By now, it’s well known that the COVID-19 pandemic caused lasting disruptions to work for all generations. But it had a particular impact on Gen Z.  Born between 1997 and 2012, Gen Z saw a significant drop in engagement. They felt less cared for, had fewer growth opportunities, and felt disconnected from the organisation’s mission.

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The Power of Upskilling and Reskilling hand holding a tablet with a graphic of the globe with skills written on it and intern connected lines coming out from it

The Power of Upskilling and Reskilling in Today’s Workplace

In today’s rapidly changing job market, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for career growth and job security. The terms “upskilling” and “reskilling” have become buzzwords in the professional world, and for good reason. These concepts represent the keys to unlocking new opportunities and thriving in a dynamic workplace environment. In this blog post,

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Open programme career conversations certified facilitator training in progress online with Antoinette Oglethorpe presenting to a laptop

Certified Facilitator Training: Everything You Need to Know About Our Open Programme

Why Become a Certified Facilitator?  In today’s business world, organisations need to take a new approach to career management. It is no longer realistic for organisations to offer lifetime security to employees. Nor is it realistic to expect lifetime commitment from them. More than ever, the organisation-employee relationship is a partnership. Career management strategies need

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confident career conversations book Cover by Author Antoinette Oglethorpe