Mentoring Toolkit Digital

The Mentoring Toolkit gives you the practical tools, framework and questions to have effective mentoring conversations that empower your mentees to take ownership of their development.


Find out how to structure the mentoring conversation with questions that motivate and empower others

Get the practical tools, framework and questions you need


Mentoring is one of the most powerful tools for developing others. Research shows that employee retention rates are higher for those who are engaged in mentoring. And mentees are promoted five times more often than those not in a mentoring programme.

It’s not just mentees that benefit. Learning and practising mentoring skills makes mentors better leaders, communicators and human beings. And that translates through to benefits for the organisation. But sharing your knowledge and experience in a way that motivates and empowers can be a challenge.

That’s what the Mentoring Toolkit is designed to help you with. The Mentoring Toolkit gives you the practical tools, framework and questions to have effective mentoring conversations that empower your mentees to take ownership of their development.

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confident career conversations book Cover by Author Antoinette Oglethorpe