Exclusive eBook for CEOs, Leaders and HR Professionals
LEADER. A Practical Guide to Leadership Development in the Workplace

Discover six simple strategies for developing leadership talent
Learn how to create a compelling business case and gain the commitment of senior stakeholders to leadership development
Define a leadership development framework that is clearly aligned with the business strategy
Design development initiatives that accelerate the readiness of your people to lead

Download your free copy of LEADER
The LEADER System outlined in the book offers a structured method and approach that is very practical and easy to follow with a minimal mount of 'fluffy' psychobabble.. A fantastic and highly recommended resource.
Sue Holly-Rodway, Senior Tech Director
A common sense book offering practical tips for growing your leaders. An easy read which is all in plain English (refreshingly there is no jargon!) and logically laid out to help you shape your thinking and action points to help you plan for the future.
Abigail East, HR Director and Consultant

About the Author
Antoinette Oglethorpe has developed leaders for some of the most successful organisations in the world, including P&G, Accenture and XL Group. But her passion lies with fast-growing, high-tech companies. A defning moment of her career was when she helped start up Avanade, a joint venture between Accenture and Microsoft. As International Learning Director, Antoinette played a key role in developing people to grow the business. And they did just that. Avanade grew to 1200 employees in its first year of operation.
Antoinette is a Chartered Fellow of the CIPD and a member of the Association for Coaching. She has written for CIPD Management ToolClicks, Coaching at Work and the HR Gazette; she speaks about leadership development at international conferences and events and she hosts the Talent Development Mastery podcast on iTunes.