Tag: support

Antoinette Oglethorpe delivering the excellence exchange to certified facilitators online

Everything you need to know about our Excellence Exchange Community

You may have noticed we recently launched a Certified Career Conversations Facilitator Open Programme. It’s designed to equip you with the skills and confidence to become a career mentor and champion, with the additional capability to empower others within the organisation(s) you support so you can foster a culture where career growth and fulfilment are

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talent management strategy

3 Roles Coaching and Mentoring Can Play In Talent Management Strategy

Earlier this year I presented at the Association for Coaching Conference.  The theme of the conference was “Time to Develop” and my session was about the role of coaching and mentoring in talent management strategy.  After a preamble looking at the talent management challenges faced by organisations and why talent management is important, I went

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Empower your employees for career growth and retention. Download the first chapter free today.

confident career conversations book Cover by Author Antoinette Oglethorpe