Tag: mentoring programmes

perfect mentoring programme

How to Plan the Perfect Mentoring Programme in Four Simple Steps

Trying to plan the perfect mentoring programme?  Perhaps this blog post can help. A while ago I wrote a blog post on How to Find a Mentor which received several positive comments.  It also prompted questions about how to set up a formal mentoring programme within an organisation. One of the mistakes I often see organisations make

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Antoinette engaging with managers over their mentoring programme

How to Quickly Engage Managers with your Mentoring Programme

In my last post I gave you several pieces of evidence that make the case for mentoring within organisations. I included research, data and statistics that you can use to present a rational, logical case. But we’re talking about people here.  And people aren’t always rational and logical. To engage people with the idea of mentoring, you

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Mentoring Programmes

Mentoring Programmes in Organisations | My Perspectives

I was very flattered to be contacted on the subject of Mentoring Programmes a few weeks ago by the editor of Mentoring & Coaching Monthly, at the UNM Mentoring Institute. The editor was interested in my perspectives on the development of mentoring programmes and wondered if I would be willing to help them by participating in an interview for publication in their June

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Who is your Mentor?

Richard Branson says “If you ask any successful business person, they will always have had a great mentor at some point along the road.” And he’s right. I was recently lucky enough to hear Nikki King OBE, MD of Isuzu trucks share her story of success and sure enough, one of the key points she

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mentoring in the workplace

5 Things You Need to Know About Mentoring in the Workplace

I recently ran a series of webinars for a business school for their alumni to understand mentoring in the workplace. That was the most recent of several mentoring programmes I have helped launch and run in the UK and globally since 1997. Some of the mentoring programmes have been within organisations like the one I managed

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Dice with letters spelling the word WHO

How to Find a Mentor

In my blog post “Top Ten Tips for Taking Control of Your Career”, I recommend that you “Find mentor(s) and sponsor(s) to support you.  To make progress in your career you will need the help, support and encouragement of others.  Take some time to identify those individuals who could assist you in some way.  Find

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Question marks written on paper covering peoples faces

Mentoring Part 2 – Mentoring Tools and Techniques [Slideshare]

In my last blog post, Mentoring Part 1, I mentioned a series of webinars for a leading UK university who were launching a mentoring programme for their MBA Alumni. And I shared a changed version of the slides from the webinar I delivered, “Is Mentoring for Me?” The second webinar in the series focused on “Mentoring

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mentoring questions

Is Mentoring For Me? Your Questions Answered

This post will attempt to answer your mentoring questions.  If it doesn’t please get in touch and I’ll answer directly. Mentoring can be an invaluable element of any leadership or professional development programme. It can help organisations: Retain talented employees and reduce costs of turnover and recruitment Develop leaders – those who mentor as well as those

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