Tag: Talent Development

Trends in Career Development and How Organisations Can Adapt - woman sat on sofa working from home with a cat

Trends in Career Development and How Organisations Can Adapt

As I highlighted in my blog post, Career Development. What does the future of work look like? There are some monumental shifts taking place in the workplace. Those shifts mean career development is continually evolving. This blog post explores key trends in career development, what these shifts mean and how organisations can adapt to them.

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The Power of Upskilling and Reskilling hand holding a tablet with a graphic of the globe with skills written on it and intern connected lines coming out from it

The Power of Upskilling and Reskilling in Today’s Workplace

In today’s rapidly changing job market, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for career growth and job security. The terms “upskilling” and “reskilling” have become buzzwords in the professional world, and for good reason. These concepts represent the keys to unlocking new opportunities and thriving in a dynamic workplace environment. In this blog post,

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career development quotes

Career Development Quotes | 38 Ways to Feel Inspired

Career development. Not the most poetic of subjects, but most definitely an inspiring one. And one that has given rise to me curating this article, built around great and thought-provoking career development quotes Quotes condense learning and experience into memorable bite-sized sentences. By themselves, they’re nothing. But add their context, and they’re reminders for what you

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Practical Career Development Questions to Ask Employees

Are you looking for career development questions to ask employees and develop your best people?  If so, you’re not alone.  The most frequently asked questions in our Confident Career Conversations Workshops relate to tools.  Questions like: “What effective tools could I use in my career conversations?” “Are there any particular tools you use that lead

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strong leadership

Six Painful Mistakes that Stop You Developing Strong Leadership

There’s something reassuring about knowing you’re not alone in dealing with the challenge of developing strong leadership – especially if others’ experiences help you find solutions to your own problems. That’s why we’re so fascinated by what’s going on in other companies.  And it’s why we turn to magazines, conferences and mentors to learn from

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how to get the best out of your people

How to Get the Best Out of Your People

A Year in the Life of a Manager Development Programme | Part Ten Do you know how to get the best out of your people? It’s a challenge for most managers in organisations. Typical questions I get asked include: How do I get people to go beyond their current level of knowledge and understanding? How

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What the Great North Run Can Teach Tech Sector Leaders

There was glorious weather in the North-East yesterday to herald the start of the 35th Great North Run. Reports say that around 41,000 runners tackled the 13.1-mile course between Newcastle and South Shields in what is the world’s largest half-marathon. I was very happy to finish in 1:59:23 and to raise money for The PSP Association,

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Mentoring Guide

How to Mentor for Success the Strictly Come Dancing Way

A mentoring guide. Based on a television show? How’s this going to work then? Well, last week saw the launch of Strictly Come Dancing 2016. There were glitter balls, there were sequins, there was Claudia Winkleman’s fringe. And there were lots of nerves and probably even a few tears. It was a glorious opening show, full

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talent development tips

Talent Development Tips? Here are my Top 15 Blog Posts of 2015

It’s that time of the year when all the “best of” lists surface. Here’s mine. My 15 from 15. In other words, my most popular Talent Development blog posts from 2015.  I hope you find them interesting and useful. Talent Development Tips – The Most Popular Posts on my Talent Development Blog – 2015 1. Six

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