Women in Leadership Discover It’s Good to Talk!

It's Good to Talk

It’s Good to Talk!  That was my message to the audience in Berlin a few weeks ago.

At the end of last month, I had the honour of being invited to speak at the Women in Leadership Global Summit.  The event brought together senior women from a wide range of organisations to explore opportunities for how they could develop themselves and manage their careers.

I had been asked to run a session called “It’s Good to Talk! Developing Women Leaders Through Career Conversations.


Video Clips from It’s Good to Talk!

Here’s a video of my introduction to the session:

If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you will be familiar with my Career Conversation Toolkit but you may not have heard me speak about it.  So here are a few short videos from the session in Berlin in case you’re interested.

Why Career Conversations are Important

In this part of the session, I explain why career conversations are important if you want to engage and empower employees.

Introducing the Career Conversation Toolkit

This video clip from It’s Good to Talk provides an overview of the Career Conversation Toolkit and how it is designed to facilitate career conversations in 15 minutes or less.

The Career Conversation Tools

In this part of the session, I talk through the different Career Conversation tools in turn.

I hope you found those interesting.  If you have any questions about anything you’ve heard, please comment below or email me at antoinette@ntoinetteoglethorpe.com.


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