Are You Making These Mistakes in Leading Change?

leading change

Leading change is a priority in business today.

Although it sounds like an oxymoron, change is happening all the time – changes in technology; changes in Society; changes in the economy.  And all of those demand changes in organisations.

Over the past few decades we’ve gone from a situation where stability was the norm and changes that took place were relatively small to the current day where large significant changes happen one after another.

That means that leading change is no longer a specialist skill needed only by managers responsible for change projects.  Every manager now needs to be able to lead change effectively. [Tweet “Leading change is not a specialist skill. Every manager needs to be able to lead change effectively”]

But it is well known most change efforts either fail or don’t deliver the wanted results.  Are you making these mistakes when leading change?

Six Common Mistakes People Make When Leading Change

1.  Starting too many initiatives at once.

Don’t confuse the issue by having many other projects running at the same time.

2.  Rushing the project by trying to take short cuts.

If the change is genuinely needed, you need to invest the time, effort and resources to ensure it’s successful.

3.  Letting external consultants drive the process.

While outside experts can add value and be an important part of the process, the change effort needs to be owned and driven from within the company with the full support of the board.

4.  Underestimating the amount of communication that needs to take place. 

Change requires winning peoples’ hearts and minds, not just changing systems and processes.  Too many managers and organisations pay lip-service to employee communication and involvement and then wonder why it goes wrong.

5.  Expecting employees to want to change for the same reasons senior management do.

Employees need to be able to identify “what’s in it for them”.  It must be in their interests.

6.  Expecting the change to be maintained without effort.

It will need constant attention by all concerned and there will be moments of despair when it all seems to be going wrong.

What are the biggest mistakes you see or experience when an organisation is trying to change?


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