My Most Popular Blog Posts of 2013

Antoinette Oglethorpe | Talent Development | My Most Popular Blog Posts of 2013

The end of every year is full of reviews.  Reviews of news, reviews of books, reviews of blog posts, reviews of, well,  just about everything.

In my view, there are two reasons for this.  First, it’s a cop-out.  Let’s face it, people are more likely to be on holiday than working and a review allows you to get something out there without having to produce any new content.

But the second reason is that they are interesting and entertaining.  If something has made a “Best of…” list, it’s likely to be good as well as familiar.  And I, for one, like nothing more than sitting down watching a “Top 50 Comedy Moments” on TV debating with my husband what is going to be number one.

We’re now 8 days into the New Year and I am going to take the cop-out.  If you read my Christmas message you will be pleased to hear that I stuck to my word and didn’t even venture into my office until late on Monday this week.  So I’ve written no new blog posts to share with you.

I just hope that you find this list of my most popular blog posts in 2013 interesting and, if not entertaining, at least useful.

Most Popular Posts With My Readers

1.  Six Steps to Help Your Employees take Ownership and Responsibility

Do you need to achieve more and more with less and less?  Are you under pressure to meet hard to achieve goals and targets?  At times such as these, you need all employees to take full ownership and responsibility for themselves and their actions. This blog post outline six steps to help you.  Read more >>

2.  How a Coaching Style of Leadership Can Help Employees Take Ownership & Responsibility

Earlier in 2013, Coaching at Work Magazine featured a programme I was working on in an article they called “The Ripple Effect”.  This blog post provides an review of that programme and the impact it had.  Read more >>

3.  How to Get the Best Out of A Mentor

When I helped the CIPD North East of England Branch launch their professional mentoring programme in 2012, we realised that we needed to advise mentees how to take an active role in developing the relationship.  This blog post shares my top tips on how to get the best out of a mentor.  Read more >>

4.  How to get Demotivated Employees Committed to Your Company’s Future

This is one of the oldest posts on the list (it dates from September 2010) which shows this is still a challenge for leaders in organisations.  It outlines some ideas on how to create a positive picture of the future that enthuses and energises the workforce and gives your employees something to believe in.  Read more >>

5.  Accelerated Leadership Development: A New Approach for Rapidly-Changing Organisations

Continuing growth needs constant change.   In these situations you need an approach that allows leaders to develop the skills that will have the greatest impact on their performance at that specific time and with minimal interruption and time away from the business.  This blog post introduces an approach I call Accelerated Leadership Development.  Read more >>

6.  Valuable Top Tips for Conducting a One on One with Employees

A large focus of my work during 2013 was to help managers develop the performance of their employees.  A good way for managers to develop performance is to conduct a regular one on one with their employees.  This blog post outlines some practical tips for conducting one on one meetings.  Read more>>

7.  Why You Should Help Your Employees Develop Their Careers

Anyone that has read my blog, received my e-mails or heard me speak at a conference will know that I am passionate about career development in organisations.  This blog post gets to the heart of the matter and outlines why you should help employees develop their careers.  Read more>>

8.  How Do You Change an Organisation? 

In the current economic climate, developing a successful organisation is all about driving and managing change.  Any HR person or leader has a big challenge when trying to get each individual of a group to do what he or she wants.  This blog post shares some thoughts on how you can apply the psychology of persuasion to this thorny issue.  Read more>>

9.  Career Management Consultants have a Valuable Role to Play in Retaining and Managing Talent

Continuing my emphasis on career development in organisations, this blog post outlines the valuable role that career management consultants can play in holding on to and developing the future leaders of an organisation.  Read more>>

10.  The Number One Way to Help Employees Find Their Own Solutions

In my experience, one of the most common reasons managers want to adopt a coaching style of leadership is because they want to help their people find their own solutions rather than tell them what to do.  This blog post outlines the number one way you can help them.  Read more>>

Is your favourite blog post included in this list?  What would you like to see included next year?

If there’s anything you’d like to see a blog post about please share your thoughts in the box below.

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