Antoinette Oglethorpe Ltd named as finalists at the SME MK & Buckinghamshire Awards 2021

finalists at the SME MK & Buckinghamshire Awards 2021 logo

I am delighted to announce that we have been named as a finalist at the SME MK & Buckinghamshire Awards 2021, in the ‘Service Excellence’ category.

The SME MK & Buckinghamshire Awards 2021 recognises businesses from across the county who are demonstrating excellence in their sector. The ‘Service Excellence’ category in particular, acknowledges those companies who give outstanding assistance and advice to those who buy their products or services.

We are thrilled to have been shortlisted for this prestigious award. Despite the significant challenges faced by everybody over the past 18 months because of the COVID-19 pandemic, our incredible team have continued to seamlessly deliver excellence for our wonderful clients.

They have gone way beyond ‘above and beyond’ working with managers and employees to empower people to realise their potential and fulfil their ambitions. I’m incredibly proud of them, and being shortlisted as a finalist for this fantastic award is a testament to their incredible hard work.

We will find out whether we have been successful at the SME MK & Buckinghamshire 2021 Awards ceremony, which will take place on Thursday 9th September 2021.

You can view the full list of finalists here:

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