Category: Success Stories

- multigenerational workforce men and women spanning many generations and ethnicities are work around a desk

Everything You Need To Know About Our Multi-Generational Career Conversations Programme

In today’s fast-changing world, the workforce is seeing some major shifts, especially with Gen Z stepping into the professional realm. This tech-savvy generation brings new values and skills, pushing organisations to rethink their career management and mentoring strategies to accommodate a diverse, multi-generational workforce. Understanding and navigating these generational differences is key to fostering collaboration

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Confident career conversations a year of pride 1 year anniversary banner

A Year of “Confident Career Conversations”

As I sit down to reflect on the past year, I am filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude and pride. Writing and launching “Confident Career Conversations” has been a really rewarding journey. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you, my readers, and supporters.  A Year of Pride  Within just ten weeks

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How to Assess Your Skills and Talents for Career Growth - flag with the word explore on a hardwood floor

How to Assess Your Skills and Talents for Career Growth

At Team AO, we say that career development is all about ‘enjoyability’ and ’employability’. Key to both is an assessment of your skills, strengths and talents. It enables you to identify what you have that makes you a great person to have in an organisation and what areas you may need to develop to make

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Career Success. Putting Your Strengths to Work. A Self-Assessment Guide. Mug in a hand with message I am the hero of my own life with sunflower in the mug

Career Success. Putting Your Strengths to Work: A Self-Assessment Guide

“Know thyself”. Viewed by many as the founding figure of Western philosophy, Socrates (469-399 B.C.) said this a very long time ago. The Greek philosopher knew that without self-awareness, and without the ability to assess one’s knowledge, skills, and talents, people can easily flounder in their careers. This ancient mantra is as true as ever

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Stevie Award winner 2022 logo and banner

Antoinette named a finalist for two Stevie Awards

We’re delighted to announce Antoinette has been named a Finalist in two categories in the 19th annual Stevie® Awards for Women in Business. She will ultimately be a Gold, Silver, or Bronze Stevie Award winner in the category ‘Mentor or Coach of the Year – Business’.  She will also be a Gold, Silver, or Bronze

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10 Years of Pride in Antoinette Oglethorpe Ltd.

Antoinette Oglethorpe Ltd was founded on 1 April 2012.  That means today is our tenth anniversary. Wow! What a milestone. A lot has happened in that time.  It’s a great opportunity to reflect on those ten years and to celebrate our successes.  So, if you’ll indulge me, this post is about us and what we

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Empower your employees for career growth and retention. Download the first chapter free today.

confident career conversations book Cover by Author Antoinette Oglethorpe