Podcast Interview: Using Career Management to build engagement

Antoinette Oglethorpe head shot and Illustration of Craig Smith Engaging Internal Comms Using Career Management to build engagement

I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Craig Smith, owner of The Big Picture People, and host of the Engaging Internal Comms podcast. A show for employee engagers and internal communicators to keep up to date on the latest in our industry. In this episode, we discuss using career management to build engagement with employees.

Topics covered in this podcast:

  • The ROI of a strategic career management approach
  • What managers and employees can do to develop careers more effectively
  • What managers can do now
  • The ABC of strategic career management

This is a not-to-be-missed episode of Engaging Internal Comms for organisations and managers who wish to develop 21st century strategies to retain and develop their employees.

Useful Links
Craig’s LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/craigalansmith/

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