How to create a Talent Development Programme

talent development programme

Is one of your challenges to create a talent development programme?  Then read on to hear how we helped a client do just that.

We worked with a group of operating companies, bringing together Talent Champions from each of the Operating Companies.  They were a dispersed group working for different companies but coming together to work on a common agenda.  They wanted to create a talent development programme that would span the whole organisation.  Different companies had different approaches in place.  They were struggling with understanding what tools they already had available within each of the different companies and what the challenges were across the Group. They had been tasked with developing a three-year strategy and plan that they could take to the Executive Board for sign off.  And they had to do that rapidly with a new team of people who hadn’t worked together before.

Our approach

The group had two workshops scheduled and needed to achieve as much as possible within those two days.  They were facing a challenging task and were clearly overwhelmed by the enormity of it.  We helped them break it down and identify that they were already part of the way there.  They had some great work in place but were not sharing this as widely as they could.

In the first workshop, we identified who the key stakeholders and stakeholder groups were.  Then we facilitated an activity where they scoped out what great, world class talent management looked like through the eyes of all the different stakeholder groups.

That vision of World-Class Talent Management set a clear direction and allowed them to work back from the end-point to focus on what they would need to do to get there.  Importantly, the vision helped them identify the tools they already had in place that would help them on the journey and would form the foundation of their strategy.  And they were then able to map out what the gaps were and the things that they wanted to propose they develop and implement.  In the second workshop, we focused on reviewing the progress they had made between sessions and pulling together the three-year road map.

Despite the enormity of the task and the limited time available, the group hit the deadline and their proposals and 3-year plan were signed off by the Board before the end of the year.  The strategy is now guiding their talent management activity.

“We’ve got a three-year strategy that’s been agreed and now we’re starting to accelerate our delivery around those interventions. I think without Antoinette’s intervention it would have taken us longer to get to a place where we had a three-year strategy that was ready to be signed off.  Antoinette helped the group to understand and visualise what world class talent management means and that’s been hugely valuable”  Head of Engagement & Talent


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