Winner of the Best Coach Award 2019

Antoinette Oglethorpe wins Business Woman of the Year award at the SME MK Business Awards 2020
Antoinette Oglethorpe wins Best Coach at the Best Business Women Awards 2019.
Businesswoman, Antoinette Oglethorpe, owner of Antoinette Oglethorpe Ltd. won Best Coach in the Best Business Women Awards 2019.

The Best Business Women Awards have announced their winners for 2019.

I am thrilled to say I won Best Coach! The Best Business Women Awards seek to find the very best female business talent from across the UK. The business world is full of talented and dedicated female entrepreneurs. The Best Business Women Awards are designed to recognise the achievement of those women across a wide range of business categories and is open to any female business owner UK wide.

‘We were delighted with the number of entries this year, which came in from all over the UK. This is a tough competition judged by business experts. To win is a major achievement. Winners were selected for their business acumen, determination, creativity and tenacity. Our winners are shining examples of being amazing entrepreneurs who have proved their success to our judges and have showed they have the ingredients worthy of being recognised and rewarded.

Debbie Gilbert, organiser of The Best Business Women Awards

It is a huge honour to be recognised in this way, to be part of a group of amazing business women and to follow in the footsteps of the coaches that have won the award in previous years. It absolutely highlights the valuable roles that leadership development and career management have to play to business success. The feedback received from the judges was wonderful to hear.

“Antoinette Oglethorpe has developed a unique edge to elevate her business above others in her field. This entry demonstrated the business strategy and high levels of customer service. Leadership and management coaching is a highly competitive business and Antoinette really stood out.”

It was an amazing gala event at at The Tower Hotel in London, and even better to take home the trophy. I feel privileged to be in such esteemed company. You can see more from the award and read about all the finalist and winners on the awards website.

One of our values is Be Helpful – I love working with leaders and leadership teams in a coaching capacity. Helping high-potential leaders and teams achieve personal and professional success. Find out more about our coaching and leadership programmes here

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